Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Everything is Awesome!

Everything is Awesome in the 2nd - 5th Grade music classes.  Students in these classes have been singing the song "Everything is Awesome" and doing a rhythm activity to go along with the song.

The 2nd and 3rd Grade classes each came up with a word list of things that are awesome and we matched them to rhythms.  They then composed their own rhythm composition using words and rhythms that they chose from the list, as well as some that they created on their own.  As we move forward, the students will be learning about form as we take the song and combine it with the rhythms that they created to make our own version of the song.

The 4th and 5th graders worked in groups to create a list or phrase of things that are awesome, with a goal of it being 4 beats long, or multiples of 4 beats long.  They have performed this pattern in a variety of ways including, clapping it, using body percussion and using non-pitched percussion instruments.  Additionally the students will be learning how to play an accompaniment part for the song using the xylophones.

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